A president who does not pose a threat to democracy.
A president who is not a convicted criminal.
A president who discourages violence and who does not try to overturn an election.
A president who respects and helps to facilitate a peaceful transfer of power.
A president who does not admire or befriend dictators, fascists, or demagogues.
A president who does not want to serve with authoritarianism.
A president who does not want to be a dictator on "day one" or on any day.
A president who honors and respects our veterans and Gold Star families.
A president who is not racist, xenophobic, nativist, sexist, or misogynistic.
A president who does not tolerate hate crimes.
A president whose greatest love is for America and not himself or herself.
A competent, trustworthy, rational, mentally, and temperamentally fit president
with morals and integrity.
A president who respects the Constitution, the rule of law, the American people,
and doesn't want to be exempt from the law. A president who believes in an equal
justice under the law, who believes that everyone, including a president, should
be held accountable for their actions.
The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act: This bill would ensure that attempts
to create barriers to voting that discriminate against voters based on race, color,
or national origin get federal review, so we all can have an equal say in our future.
A president who will urge Congress to pass "The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement
Act" and then sign it into law. A president who strives to prevent suppression of
the right to vote and who helps to increase voting access to all American citizens.
A president who does not strive to persecute his or her perceived enemies,
adversaries, or the press.
Sexual and reproductive rights means you make your own decisions about your
body, means that you can obtain accurate health information, means you can
obtain sexual and health services including birth control contraception, and
means you may choose if, when, and who you marry.
A president who protects the right of females and their doctors to make
decisions about the female body. A president who believes that every
person deserves the right to make decisions about their sexual and
reproductive health.
A president who understands and believes that civil rights are essential
and are a precious cornerstone of democracy.
LGBTQ+ rights in the United States are among the most advanced in the
world. By the early 2020s, an overwhelming majority of Americans approved
of the legality of these marriages.
A president should strive to make sure that LGBTQ+ rights continue to be protected.
The meaning of separation of church and state and freedom of religion is that
no state, organization, public organization, or individual may compel citizens
to believe in, or not believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate
against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion. Our
founding fathers Jefferson and Madison felt that state support for a particular
religion or for any religion was improper. The First Amendment guarantees
freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition.
It forbids Congress from promoting one religion over others and from restricting
an individual's religious practices. The establishment clause prohibits the U.S.
government from favoring one religion over others or from establishing a national
A president who keeps all religions out of public schools.
A president who strives to ensure that religious liberty extends to all Americans.
A president who strives to ensure that religious liberty is not used as a license
to discriminate.
A president who does not support the banning of books.
The more than 700,000 people who live in our nation's capital are American citizens.
They pay more per capita in federal income taxes than any state in the country,
and more in total federal income tax than 22 states, and yet they have zero voting
representatives in the U.S. Congress. The American citizens of Washington, D.C.
deserve statehood so they can have full and equal representation in Congress and
the rights of self-determination.
The people of Puerto Rico are American citizens. Since the Island became a U.S.
territory in 1898, over 235,000 Puerto Ricans have honorably served our Nation
in the U.S. Armed Forces. Because of the present territory status, the 3.2 million
American citizens in Puerto Rico lack full voting representation in Congress and
cannot vote for their Commander-in-Chief, the President of the United States. The
American citizens of Puerto Rico deserve statehood so they can have full and equal
representation in Congress and the rights of self-determination.
Americans living in the territories of Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin
Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands have played a
vital role in American democracy for more than 120 years, but they receive
unequal treatment from the federal government. We must establish a Congressional
task force to gather findings on voting rights in the territories, and recommend
changes to Congress to allow for the full and equal voting rights of U.S. citizens
who are residents of the territories in federal elections, and for full and equal
voting representation in the U.S. House of Representatives. The American citizens
of the U.S. territories should have the right to vote for the President of the
United States. The territories should be treated equally with respect to important
federal programs, including the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, SNAP, and the Child
Tax Credit, that reduce poverty and support working families. We should ensure that
veterans from U.S. territories have access to timely and quality health care and
other benefits through the VA.
A president who strives to make Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico states so that
American citizens living in Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico have full and equal
representation in Congress and the rights of self-determination.
A president who strives to support U.S. Territories and who strives to help ensure
that American citizens living in U.S. Territories receive equal rights.
Americans are increasingly unhappy with our Electoral College system. A 2023
study by PEW Research revealed that 65 percent of Americans want the Electoral
College abolished. The Electoral College provides disproportionate voting power
to citizens of smaller states. It marginalizes tens of millions of voters. The
Brennan Center for Justice supports constitutional reforms that would eliminate
the Electoral College in favor of direct election of the president by a national
popular vote. The Brennan Center for Justice calls the electoral college system
one of the most undemocratic elements of governance in the United States. With
the Electoral College system in place it is possible for a candidate to win the
presidency with only about 23 percent of the national popular vote. The Electoral
College is constitutionally mandated, and abolishing it would require a constitutional
A president who will support eliminating the Electoral College system to help
ensure a fair democracy election of a president being elected by a national vote.
Bipartisan voters overwhelmingly support common sense gun safety solutions and
want American leaders to do more to combat the crisis. Other civilized countries
(such as Australia, the United Kingdom, Japan, Norway, and Canada) have laws and
measures in place to reduce and prevent the proliferation of gun violence. America
needs to follow suit. America has the highest levels of gun violence of any developed
country. The gun homicide rate in the U.S. is 26 times higher than that of other
developed countries. We need to address our gun violence epidemic that leads the
world in mass shootings.
A president who strives to help ensure common sense gun safety solutions.
7 in 10 Americans (71%) support unions across party lines. A majority of Republicans
and more than two-thirds of Independents join 9 in 10 (91%) Democrats in supporting
unions. Also, an unprecedented number of young Americans support unions. Nearly 9
in 10 (88%) people under 30 view unions favorably. AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler told
union organizers and members during the organization's inaugural "State of the Unions"
address in August 2024 that, "More Americans believe in unions than like chocolate
ice cream."
A president needs to respect that union members represent every political background
and their rights and concerns need to be addressed.
Many Americans want their government to work across party lines to create a fair,
orderly, and humane immigration system.
A president who will strive to work across party lines to create a fair, orderly,
and humane immigration system.
Many Americans believe that healthcare should be a human right. In 1945 our 33rd
president, Harry S. Truman proposed a national healthcare plan to Congress.
President Truman paved the way for future presidents whose administrations
strove toward the same goal.
A president who will strive to help make healthcare a human right.